


Monero Difficulty Chart

The Monero difficulty chart plots a visual representation of the historical Monero difficulty target increases and decreases over time up to the current Monero block.

XMR Difficulty: 278.10 G
Monero Block Height: 3,201,773

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Current Monero Difficulty

The current XMR difficulty is 278.10 G at block 3,201,773, resulting in a Monero mining difficulty decrease of -3.30% in the last 24 hours.

Current Monero Difficulty
278.10 G

The Monero difficulty chart plots the Monero difficulty target over time and the current Monero difficulty (XMR diff) target. Including a historical data graph visualizing XMR mining difficulty chart values with Monero difficulty jumps and adjustments (both increases & decreases) defaulted to today with timeline options of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, and all time.

Monero Difficulty Increase

The XMR mining difficulty increase average in the last 24 hours is -3.30% at block 3,201,773 on the Monero blockchain network. In the last 7 days the Monero difficulty increase was -3.95%, with the increase in the last 30 days being -18.92%, and the last 90 days is 10.07%.

1 Day

7 Days

30 Days

90 Days
Monero Block Difficulty Height
BLOCK: 3,201,773
Last Monero block mined
Current Monero Difficulty
Monero Difficulty Algorithm is RandomX

The Monero difficulty data levels are calculated using the daily difficulty average data points in the Monero difficulty graph.

Monero Difficulty History for the Last 120 Days

Date Monero Difficulty Level
07/26/2024 274,074,107,583.27715355
07/25/2024 287,598,919,954.76388888
07/24/2024 282,350,635,991.17361111
07/23/2024 280,335,017,424.39583333
07/22/2024 278,550,035,407.81944444
07/21/2024 279,933,791,920.23344947
07/20/2024 284,395,914,679.14236111
07/19/2024 289,536,264,253.12903225
07/18/2024 305,991,088,651.47038327
07/17/2024 290,645,909,534.54166666
07/16/2024 297,046,224,555.47017543
07/15/2024 296,119,072,669.11111111
07/14/2024 295,287,896,216.74305555
07/13/2024 299,030,398,871.05208333
07/12/2024 279,142,721,857.48263888
07/11/2024 287,028,953,628.73958333
07/10/2024 279,466,804,091.01041666
07/09/2024 294,978,433,869.77083333
07/08/2024 302,158,664,544.95138888
07/07/2024 293,911,230,828.66666666
07/06/2024 313,776,894,635.27083333
07/05/2024 308,353,054,122.21180555
07/04/2024 305,667,496,113.68402777
07/03/2024 328,666,567,460.36458333
07/02/2024 332,856,344,319.89930555
07/01/2024 317,267,223,494.31410256
06/30/2024 296,979,208,444.54166666
06/29/2024 290,418,769,685.37500000
06/28/2024 294,683,478,725.14982578
06/27/2024 325,992,549,519.35540069
06/26/2024 343,003,924,064.04513888
06/25/2024 343,812,085,116.56250000
06/24/2024 367,054,270,776.63194444
06/23/2024 367,559,903,478.67013888
06/22/2024 383,200,722,130.71875000
06/21/2024 372,457,007,514.60069444
06/20/2024 361,069,701,451.10104529
06/19/2024 355,249,320,783.25347222
06/18/2024 379,684,250,114.02430555
06/17/2024 335,402,151,967.56746031
06/16/2024 331,811,590,719.41269841
06/15/2024 310,414,401,950.91729323
06/14/2024 299,621,183,689.72030651
06/13/2024 303,182,878,243.82330827
06/12/2024 294,224,605,678.13740458
06/11/2024 290,533,460,809.42857142
06/10/2024 307,767,234,940.87593984
06/09/2024 281,640,262,085.97752808
06/08/2024 288,239,521,428.15413533
06/07/2024 260,111,501,419.98134328
06/06/2024 245,397,715,172.86415094
06/05/2024 270,389,496,617.89925373
06/04/2024 244,906,427,536.71755725
06/03/2024 231,271,066,603.25000000
06/02/2024 237,791,229,312.07638888
06/01/2024 223,114,784,192.22222222
05/31/2024 226,349,670,399.01388888
05/30/2024 259,956,109,226.15331010
05/29/2024 341,438,889,402.92361111
05/28/2024 321,371,936,086.53819444
05/27/2024 307,058,312,425.52264808
05/26/2024 303,002,523,731.40972222
05/25/2024 282,651,982,141.65625000
05/24/2024 293,126,684,898.53819444
05/23/2024 287,224,809,424.68402777
05/22/2024 291,713,553,500.23958333
05/21/2024 293,802,912,878.73263888
05/20/2024 286,864,435,151.17013888
05/19/2024 297,499,450,746.22569444
05/18/2024 273,032,745,729.81250000
05/17/2024 272,233,970,222.56250000
05/16/2024 262,497,195,829.16376306
05/15/2024 278,287,917,020.62847222
05/14/2024 266,041,311,505.62500000
05/13/2024 275,447,573,472.14583333
05/12/2024 266,621,546,289.23611111
05/11/2024 247,231,186,850.27430555
05/10/2024 240,594,193,562.25000000
05/09/2024 248,789,527,734.16666666
05/08/2024 234,463,628,954.73519163
05/07/2024 247,676,009,895.76388888
05/06/2024 261,893,674,875.61458333
05/05/2024 251,732,275,594.81985294
05/04/2024 249,678,261,985.79282868
05/03/2024 253,353,891,712.49805447
05/02/2024 245,232,899,095.78991596
05/01/2024 246,097,942,343.07936507
04/30/2024 246,894,655,486.94736842
04/29/2024 248,822,639,133.73015873
04/28/2024 253,451,460,385.49212598
04/27/2024 252,658,528,011.35797665
04/26/2024 240,727,765,491.09486166
04/25/2024 237,700,465,602.34375000
04/24/2024 232,377,607,267.14583333
04/23/2024 239,239,278,895.90243902
04/22/2024 243,958,707,266.61458333
04/21/2024 251,338,352,503.00000000
04/20/2024 238,860,797,118.83680555
04/19/2024 227,643,127,384.46875000
04/18/2024 233,254,116,312.23263888
04/17/2024 243,310,734,983.88541666
04/16/2024 241,424,669,710.40972222
04/15/2024 241,751,712,605.06597222
04/14/2024 241,455,803,948.67013888
04/13/2024 244,897,345,520.66319444
04/12/2024 225,986,635,488.91637630
04/11/2024 234,956,234,227.26736111
04/10/2024 235,978,297,676.10763888
04/09/2024 232,128,732,908.86805555
04/08/2024 230,205,041,180.51388888
04/07/2024 226,543,160,680.55208333
04/06/2024 231,145,952,461.52083333
04/05/2024 239,430,527,257.44097222
04/04/2024 244,978,278,028.84375000
04/03/2024 243,824,253,283.86805555
04/02/2024 231,605,090,181.18402777
04/01/2024 245,585,089,372.14236111
03/31/2024 226,201,814,323.96875000
03/30/2024 236,146,207,561.35069444
03/29/2024 256,200,452,977.26736111
03/28/2024 257,045,140,985.09523809

What is Monero difficulty?

Monero mining difficulty determines how difficult it will be to mine the next block and this is why it is referred to as the difficulty of Monero mining.

Monero difficulty is a measure of how many hashes (statistically) must be generated to find a valid solution to solve the next Monero block and earn the mining reward.

As you can see in the Monero difficulty chart above, the Monero Difficulty makes adjustments often.

Furthermore, the mining difficulty also keeps the block generation in line with the set block time, or the amount of time that should statistically pass between each block.

As more hashing power is added to the Monero mining network, the difficulty must increase to ensure blocks are not being generated too quickly.

In order for the blocks to be generated consistently, the difficulty must be increased or decreased, this is called a difficulty re-target.

On a difficulty re-target block (every block or every number of blocks), the difficulty is increased if the previous blocks where generated faster than the specified block time and decreased if the previous blocks where generated slower than the specified block time.

All that said, given a constant hashrate, when the XMR mining difficulty increases you earn less mining rewards due to the overall increase in the total Monero network hashrate.

Given, the frequent changes in Monero difficulty adjustments up and down, use our Monero mining calculator to calculate Monero mining profits.

Monero Monero Price

($11.60) (-7.18%)

24 hour change
Monero Price Chart