


ArtByte Difficulty Chart

Warning: ArtByte is no longer being monitored as of 12/31/2017.

The ArtByte difficulty chart plots a visual representation of the historical ArtByte difficulty target increases and decreases over time up to the current ArtByte block.

ABY Difficulty: 16.35
ArtByte Block Height: 2,437,679

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Current ArtByte Difficulty

The current ABY difficulty is 16.35 at block 2,437,679, resulting in a ArtByte mining difficulty increase of 113.93% in the last 24 hours.

Current ArtByte Difficulty

The ArtByte difficulty chart plots the ArtByte difficulty target over time and the current ArtByte difficulty (ABY diff) target. Including a historical data graph visualizing ABY mining difficulty chart values with ArtByte difficulty jumps and adjustments (both increases & decreases) defaulted to today with timeline options of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, and all time.

Warning: ArtByte is no longer being monitored as of 12/31/2017.

ArtByte Difficulty Increase

The ABY mining difficulty increase average in the last 24 hours is 113.93% at block 2,437,679 on the ArtByte blockchain network. In the last 7 days the ArtByte difficulty increase was 600.48%, with the increase in the last 30 days being 69.09%, and the last 90 days is 59.57%.

1 Day

7 Days

30 Days

90 Days
ArtByte Block Difficulty Height
BLOCK: 2,437,679
Last ArtByte block mined
Current ArtByte Difficulty
ArtByte Difficulty Algorithm is Scrypt

The ArtByte difficulty data levels are calculated using the daily difficulty average data points in the ArtByte difficulty graph.

ArtByte Difficulty History for the Last 120 Days

Date ArtByte Difficulty Level
07/26/2024 8.75155062
07/25/2024 7.64126158
07/24/2024 7.32341933
07/23/2024 7.81572670
07/22/2024 7.83929628
07/21/2024 13.13004479
07/20/2024 2.81852658
07/19/2024 2.33367270
07/18/2024 5.20884492
07/17/2024 7.25942032
07/16/2024 7.60758683
07/15/2024 8.02403022
07/14/2024 11.50607978
07/13/2024 11.11975366
07/12/2024 10.14346317
07/11/2024 11.83283566
07/10/2024 7.85457594
07/09/2024 6.80157400
07/08/2024 7.38173918
07/07/2024 7.87184810
07/06/2024 7.75946789
07/05/2024 6.69646936
07/04/2024 9.28969703
07/03/2024 8.49319273
07/02/2024 7.70871353
07/01/2024 4.89928253
06/30/2024 6.65278480
06/29/2024 9.87356655
06/28/2024 11.88862401
06/27/2024 10.84146033
06/26/2024 9.66765523
06/25/2024 12.39826498
06/24/2024 12.98549699
06/23/2024 14.35375402
06/22/2024 14.37431677
06/21/2024 15.13623538
06/20/2024 14.25996790
06/19/2024 12.79316520
06/18/2024 12.78336732
06/17/2024 13.82971855
06/16/2024 12.31499031
06/15/2024 12.24099257
06/14/2024 14.13664040
06/13/2024 15.72074455
06/12/2024 14.97720524
06/11/2024 13.97629915
06/10/2024 14.47660615
06/09/2024 13.31270841
06/08/2024 12.62797781
06/07/2024 13.04880259
06/06/2024 11.56571994
06/05/2024 12.63077568
06/04/2024 12.08480402
06/03/2024 13.16928605
06/02/2024 9.46851939
06/01/2024 9.52055661
05/31/2024 10.24065626
05/30/2024 11.77540291
05/29/2024 12.14259479
05/28/2024 9.86877082
05/27/2024 10.97641283
05/26/2024 10.81274273
05/25/2024 9.64932490
05/24/2024 10.03594246
05/23/2024 14.52856833
05/22/2024 11.74556411
05/21/2024 10.20103305
05/20/2024 11.33747538
05/19/2024 12.76367077
05/18/2024 11.55467202
05/17/2024 12.07695109
05/16/2024 12.34103781
05/15/2024 16.91464402
05/14/2024 13.81807999
05/13/2024 14.26706618
05/12/2024 10.07622712
05/11/2024 9.45964561
05/10/2024 10.21418924
05/09/2024 9.82043159
05/08/2024 9.28340688
05/07/2024 14.12960615
05/06/2024 15.04136457
05/05/2024 15.09520887
05/04/2024 15.45069995
05/03/2024 12.63695532
05/02/2024 9.19834497
05/01/2024 9.78484928
04/30/2024 9.27502303
04/29/2024 9.68955327
04/28/2024 9.63347753
04/27/2024 10.24450618
04/26/2024 9.46772920
04/25/2024 8.65711155
04/24/2024 8.81058707
04/23/2024 6.42062490
04/22/2024 4.81478858
04/21/2024 6.70288127
04/20/2024 4.20387338
04/19/2024 4.35586275
04/18/2024 4.63167119
04/17/2024 6.50176581
04/16/2024 17.11669185
04/15/2024 15.98371533
04/14/2024 17.02335965
04/13/2024 15.42881828
04/12/2024 8.60479565
04/11/2024 8.04589021
04/10/2024 16.18224478
04/09/2024 17.42238572
04/08/2024 18.01816836
04/07/2024 17.88034241
04/06/2024 16.98329067
04/05/2024 14.68342748
04/04/2024 9.70494655
04/03/2024 2.92033358
04/02/2024 2.84901421
04/01/2024 3.82632411
03/31/2024 5.85666028
03/30/2024 5.52083298
03/29/2024 5.77845392
03/28/2024 5.86047663

What is ArtByte difficulty?

ArtByte mining difficulty determines how difficult it will be to mine the next block and this is why it is referred to as the difficulty of ArtByte mining.

ArtByte difficulty is a measure of how many hashes (statistically) must be generated to find a valid solution to solve the next ArtByte block and earn the mining reward.

As you can see in the ArtByte difficulty chart above, the ArtByte Difficulty makes adjustments often.

Furthermore, the mining difficulty also keeps the block generation in line with the set block time, or the amount of time that should statistically pass between each block.

As more hashing power is added to the ArtByte mining network, the difficulty must increase to ensure blocks are not being generated too quickly.

In order for the blocks to be generated consistently, the difficulty must be increased or decreased, this is called a difficulty re-target.

On a difficulty re-target block (every block or every number of blocks), the difficulty is increased if the previous blocks where generated faster than the specified block time and decreased if the previous blocks where generated slower than the specified block time.

All that said, given a constant hashrate, when the ABY mining difficulty increases you earn less mining rewards due to the overall increase in the total ArtByte network hashrate.

Given, the frequent changes in ArtByte difficulty adjustments up and down, use our ArtByte mining calculator to calculate ArtByte mining profits.

ArtByte ArtByte Price

$0.00 (0.00%)

24 hour change
ArtByte Price Chart