


BitcoinGold Difficulty Chart

The BitcoinGold difficulty chart plots a visual representation of the historical BitcoinGold difficulty target increases and decreases over time up to the current BitcoinGold block.

BTG Difficulty: 198.23 K
BitcoinGold Block Height: 853,488

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Current BitcoinGold Difficulty

The current BTG difficulty is 198.23 K at block 853,488, resulting in a BitcoinGold mining difficulty decrease of -18.35% in the last 24 hours.

Current BitcoinGold Difficulty
198.23 K

The BitcoinGold difficulty chart plots the BitcoinGold difficulty target over time and the current BitcoinGold difficulty (BTG diff) target. Including a historical data graph visualizing BTG mining difficulty chart values with BitcoinGold difficulty jumps and adjustments (both increases & decreases) defaulted to today with timeline options of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, and all time.

BitcoinGold Difficulty Increase

The BTG mining difficulty increase average in the last 24 hours is -18.35% at block 853,488 on the BitcoinGold blockchain network. In the last 7 days the BitcoinGold difficulty increase was -5.05%, with the increase in the last 30 days being -9.19%, and the last 90 days is -31.93%.

1 Day

7 Days

30 Days

90 Days
BitcoinGold Block Difficulty Height
BLOCK: 853,488
Last BitcoinGold block mined
Current BitcoinGold Difficulty
BitcoinGold Difficulty Algorithm is Equihash-BTG

The BitcoinGold difficulty data levels are calculated using the daily difficulty average data points in the BitcoinGold difficulty graph.

BitcoinGold Difficulty History for the Last 120 Days

Date BitcoinGold Difficulty Level
07/27/2024 202,041.21841360
07/26/2024 242,770.01769693
07/25/2024 208,639.49169179
07/24/2024 230,479.47811837
07/23/2024 216,070.66606791
07/22/2024 234,431.93847177
07/21/2024 231,588.48957345
07/20/2024 208,768.03155836
07/19/2024 205,536.22849327
07/18/2024 204,841.20913566
07/17/2024 188,219.64206877
07/16/2024 204,766.16042379
07/15/2024 222,734.92164695
07/14/2024 200,492.15394056
07/13/2024 199,161.88879423
07/12/2024 208,979.77533592
07/11/2024 217,029.48137251
07/10/2024 212,828.45011830
07/09/2024 193,763.25458565
07/08/2024 219,953.39325871
07/07/2024 205,977.60199956
07/06/2024 212,457.55904374
07/05/2024 208,006.00973905
07/04/2024 219,930.62777507
07/03/2024 200,995.92942408
07/02/2024 194,932.41061799
07/01/2024 207,909.87389836
06/30/2024 224,743.68314648
06/29/2024 227,822.95430558
06/28/2024 223,216.59346141
06/27/2024 218,291.96920496
06/26/2024 206,010.38946844
06/25/2024 241,409.88899602
06/24/2024 239,727.44625160
06/23/2024 223,539.02850396
06/22/2024 237,639.27749228
06/21/2024 227,576.68272182
06/20/2024 225,280.33795885
06/19/2024 236,279.87050862
06/18/2024 240,199.31298402
06/17/2024 226,824.65121647
06/16/2024 226,554.16722957
06/15/2024 242,053.01153260
06/14/2024 255,990.42478439
06/13/2024 237,201.90641241
06/12/2024 252,986.91899402
06/11/2024 254,917.09273334
06/10/2024 264,115.46849892
06/09/2024 272,001.05475799
06/08/2024 286,449.23736911
06/07/2024 254,521.75003830
06/06/2024 267,343.89801511
06/05/2024 234,160.50809465
06/04/2024 268,610.41429610
06/03/2024 232,246.87564277
06/02/2024 252,638.10056436
06/01/2024 257,893.23370777
05/31/2024 297,115.46045763
05/30/2024 264,481.43238113
05/29/2024 255,576.32539095
05/28/2024 300,701.66222997
05/27/2024 287,438.25172710
05/26/2024 275,828.89206378
05/25/2024 261,863.28366999
05/24/2024 273,204.92784181
05/23/2024 276,945.82690166
05/22/2024 284,942.22087844
05/21/2024 271,492.47436856
05/20/2024 278,956.97861757
05/19/2024 282,727.31793022
05/18/2024 280,142.33162617
05/17/2024 291,048.75083909
05/16/2024 286,311.56420716
05/15/2024 262,663.27058028
05/14/2024 281,218.20638341
05/13/2024 267,593.59477027
05/12/2024 255,261.10053594
05/11/2024 290,489.59370429
05/10/2024 275,783.10903499
05/09/2024 280,655.68873930
05/08/2024 271,513.47446699
05/07/2024 326,905.15614205
05/06/2024 252,490.54285662
05/05/2024 262,920.39026441
05/04/2024 299,959.52866167
05/03/2024 276,929.13999881
05/02/2024 252,821.16549844
05/01/2024 273,296.62729351
04/30/2024 278,510.27184748
04/29/2024 288,502.23555486
04/28/2024 291,201.26406859
04/27/2024 281,293.19118206
04/26/2024 303,628.37230581
04/25/2024 314,238.98612358
04/24/2024 356,064.22728244
04/23/2024 408,695.95642149
04/22/2024 440,891.16680668
04/21/2024 414,569.99167360
04/20/2024 443,331.67713277
04/19/2024 446,887.63853817
04/18/2024 429,092.11538996
04/17/2024 420,946.94167471
04/16/2024 426,497.71943258
04/15/2024 450,392.42589474
04/14/2024 440,591.54957250
04/13/2024 486,274.73702346
04/12/2024 442,920.32815574
04/11/2024 408,949.95249439
04/10/2024 474,256.65044668
04/09/2024 441,456.10906531
04/08/2024 430,674.04649825
04/07/2024 486,661.27182596
04/06/2024 486,876.85753184
04/05/2024 428,731.09093733
04/04/2024 487,507.11185904
04/03/2024 405,226.38974018
04/02/2024 420,384.67357172
04/01/2024 451,568.11033701
03/31/2024 416,648.94520496
03/30/2024 430,376.98205607
03/29/2024 429,311.83809282

What is BitcoinGold difficulty?

BitcoinGold mining difficulty determines how difficult it will be to mine the next block and this is why it is referred to as the difficulty of BitcoinGold mining.

BitcoinGold difficulty is a measure of how many hashes (statistically) must be generated to find a valid solution to solve the next BitcoinGold block and earn the mining reward.

As you can see in the BitcoinGold difficulty chart above, the BitcoinGold Difficulty makes adjustments often.

Furthermore, the mining difficulty also keeps the block generation in line with the set block time, or the amount of time that should statistically pass between each block.

As more hashing power is added to the BitcoinGold mining network, the difficulty must increase to ensure blocks are not being generated too quickly.

In order for the blocks to be generated consistently, the difficulty must be increased or decreased, this is called a difficulty re-target.

On a difficulty re-target block (every block or every number of blocks), the difficulty is increased if the previous blocks where generated faster than the specified block time and decreased if the previous blocks where generated slower than the specified block time.

All that said, given a constant hashrate, when the BTG mining difficulty increases you earn less mining rewards due to the overall increase in the total BitcoinGold network hashrate.

Given, the frequent changes in BitcoinGold difficulty adjustments up and down, use our BitcoinGold mining calculator to calculate BitcoinGold mining profits.

BitcoinGold BitcoinGold Price

$0.00 (0.00%)

24 hour change
BitcoinGold Price Chart