


Diamond Difficulty Chart

Warning: Diamond is no longer being monitored as of 12/31/2017.

The Diamond difficulty chart plots a visual representation of the historical Diamond difficulty target increases and decreases over time up to the current Diamond block.

DMD Difficulty: 27.65 K
Diamond Block Height: 1,576,391

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Current Diamond Difficulty

The current DMD difficulty is 27.65 K at block 1,576,391, resulting in a Diamond mining difficulty decrease of -14.40% in the last 24 hours.

Current Diamond Difficulty
27.65 K

The Diamond difficulty chart plots the Diamond difficulty target over time and the current Diamond difficulty (DMD diff) target. Including a historical data graph visualizing DMD mining difficulty chart values with Diamond difficulty jumps and adjustments (both increases & decreases) defaulted to today with timeline options of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, and all time.

Warning: Diamond is no longer being monitored as of 12/31/2017.

Diamond Difficulty Increase

The DMD mining difficulty increase average in the last 24 hours is -14.40% at block 1,576,391 on the Diamond blockchain network. In the last 7 days the Diamond difficulty increase was -6.82%, with the increase in the last 30 days being -4.71%, and the last 90 days is 10.52%.

1 Day

7 Days

30 Days

90 Days
Diamond Block Difficulty Height
BLOCK: 1,576,391
Last Diamond block mined
Current Diamond Difficulty
Diamond Difficulty Algorithm is Groestl

The Diamond difficulty data levels are calculated using the daily difficulty average data points in the Diamond difficulty graph.

Diamond Difficulty History for the Last 120 Days

Date Diamond Difficulty Level
07/27/2024 31,737.19738270
07/26/2024 32,298.10975096
07/25/2024 32,105.25858392
07/24/2024 31,645.42980996
07/23/2024 30,731.38669859
07/22/2024 30,278.86940573
07/21/2024 30,308.63904849
07/20/2024 29,672.91486318
07/19/2024 30,127.65793139
07/18/2024 31,806.75596431
07/17/2024 32,835.70235881
07/16/2024 29,191.85414023
07/15/2024 29,547.26933994
07/14/2024 30,440.39744739
07/13/2024 29,797.61284052
07/12/2024 29,830.43168257
07/11/2024 31,247.93755677
07/10/2024 31,864.72787244
07/09/2024 29,990.43554542
07/08/2024 33,263.20434423
07/07/2024 30,961.18761536
07/06/2024 32,276.69980757
07/05/2024 34,545.38552862
07/04/2024 25,758.82627448
07/03/2024 26,085.80153552
07/02/2024 24,618.12026096
07/01/2024 25,748.39586324
06/30/2024 23,975.78507890
06/29/2024 22,823.24241466
06/28/2024 25,566.02901947
06/27/2024 29,013.73884929
06/26/2024 30,751.05511553
06/25/2024 32,107.69232007
06/24/2024 30,206.71705384
06/23/2024 30,171.06366430
06/22/2024 29,932.01403974
06/21/2024 30,524.16877792
06/20/2024 30,397.22113014
06/19/2024 28,873.82176569
06/18/2024 31,462.54945475
06/17/2024 29,653.85728857
06/16/2024 31,910.05478276
06/15/2024 30,842.46236369
06/14/2024 27,607.48377469
06/13/2024 28,394.59781559
06/12/2024 27,894.02515453
06/11/2024 28,936.62676702
06/10/2024 28,881.34408569
06/09/2024 31,043.64151815
06/08/2024 29,773.90212639
06/07/2024 31,815.79025411
06/06/2024 29,321.03128280
06/05/2024 30,941.24730029
06/04/2024 29,822.09696826
06/03/2024 30,028.40240464
06/02/2024 28,923.50879632
06/01/2024 29,701.62669608
05/31/2024 28,778.22000661
05/30/2024 28,934.70009571
05/29/2024 31,110.89171123
05/28/2024 28,874.38522377
05/27/2024 29,613.42773391
05/26/2024 30,642.90338633
05/25/2024 30,252.45101643
05/24/2024 28,758.02736259
05/23/2024 30,184.74083455
05/22/2024 29,033.55892225
05/21/2024 28,756.41328654
05/20/2024 33,499.14797781
05/19/2024 32,538.14207767
05/18/2024 29,264.72232323
05/17/2024 29,094.97950664
05/16/2024 30,364.88573107
05/15/2024 29,924.87100921
05/14/2024 31,404.68208625
05/13/2024 32,944.36038500
05/12/2024 31,204.58242799
05/11/2024 32,139.24191834
05/10/2024 32,933.41991631
05/09/2024 30,783.63091719
05/08/2024 34,429.17920501
05/07/2024 33,580.71418367
05/06/2024 30,781.48011782
05/05/2024 34,881.69990197
05/04/2024 32,221.11717279
05/03/2024 19,562.71082110
05/02/2024 20,566.73711035
05/01/2024 19,685.95184206
04/30/2024 20,891.52047948
04/29/2024 21,544.12302016
04/28/2024 25,015.81056731
04/27/2024 29,146.64656197
04/26/2024 31,306.19876780
04/25/2024 30,221.84282128
04/24/2024 29,774.57506755
04/23/2024 34,084.95166060
04/22/2024 31,745.19998802
04/21/2024 29,657.04661927
04/20/2024 30,913.78221108
04/19/2024 31,762.47009592
04/18/2024 29,678.86837633
04/17/2024 31,850.13708472
04/16/2024 28,517.32114134
04/15/2024 31,819.28864268
04/14/2024 28,533.68563516
04/13/2024 29,645.52855376
04/12/2024 29,945.87954926
04/11/2024 29,326.63680612
04/10/2024 32,697.91880279
04/09/2024 29,425.15987406
04/08/2024 30,150.53894781
04/07/2024 33,623.69446419
04/06/2024 30,450.55840993
04/05/2024 30,573.11765137
04/04/2024 30,647.05217754
04/03/2024 32,179.74429630
04/02/2024 32,105.98015659
04/01/2024 32,379.59923042
03/31/2024 31,521.90160867
03/30/2024 30,720.00154911
03/29/2024 32,789.01967487

What is Diamond difficulty?

Diamond mining difficulty determines how difficult it will be to mine the next block and this is why it is referred to as the difficulty of Diamond mining.

Diamond difficulty is a measure of how many hashes (statistically) must be generated to find a valid solution to solve the next Diamond block and earn the mining reward.

As you can see in the Diamond difficulty chart above, the Diamond Difficulty makes adjustments often.

Furthermore, the mining difficulty also keeps the block generation in line with the set block time, or the amount of time that should statistically pass between each block.

As more hashing power is added to the Diamond mining network, the difficulty must increase to ensure blocks are not being generated too quickly.

In order for the blocks to be generated consistently, the difficulty must be increased or decreased, this is called a difficulty re-target.

On a difficulty re-target block (every block or every number of blocks), the difficulty is increased if the previous blocks where generated faster than the specified block time and decreased if the previous blocks where generated slower than the specified block time.

All that said, given a constant hashrate, when the DMD mining difficulty increases you earn less mining rewards due to the overall increase in the total Diamond network hashrate.

Given, the frequent changes in Diamond difficulty adjustments up and down, use our Diamond mining calculator to calculate Diamond mining profits.

Diamond Diamond Price

$0.00 (0.00%)

24 hour change
Diamond Price Chart