


DigiByte Difficulty Chart

The DigiByte difficulty chart plots a visual representation of the historical DigiByte difficulty target increases and decreases over time up to the current DigiByte block.

DGB Difficulty: 424.80 K
DigiByte Block Height: 19,699,054

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Current DigiByte Difficulty

The current DGB difficulty is 424.80 K at block 19,699,054, resulting in a DigiByte mining difficulty decrease of -99.75% in the last 24 hours.

Current DigiByte Difficulty
424.80 K

The DigiByte difficulty chart plots the DigiByte difficulty target over time and the current DigiByte difficulty (DGB diff) target. Including a historical data graph visualizing DGB mining difficulty chart values with DigiByte difficulty jumps and adjustments (both increases & decreases) defaulted to today with timeline options of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, and all time.

DigiByte Difficulty Increase

The DGB mining difficulty increase average in the last 24 hours is -99.75% at block 19,699,054 on the DigiByte blockchain network. In the last 7 days the DigiByte difficulty increase was -99.75%, with the increase in the last 30 days being -99.85%, and the last 90 days is -99.82%.

1 Day

7 Days

30 Days

90 Days
DigiByte Block Difficulty Height
BLOCK: 19,699,054
Last DigiByte block mined
Current DigiByte Difficulty
DigiByte Difficulty Algorithm is Scrypt

The DigiByte difficulty data levels are calculated using the daily difficulty average data points in the DigiByte difficulty graph.

DigiByte Difficulty History for the Last 120 Days

Date DigiByte Difficulty Level
07/26/2024 244,237,550.61768301
07/25/2024 167,774,426.37836850
07/24/2024 188,099,224.20833096
07/23/2024 200,459,668.73313584
07/22/2024 215,538,964.38110757
07/21/2024 242,991,453.18861351
07/20/2024 218,642,964.01594160
07/19/2024 170,288,128.49877516
07/18/2024 166,133,073.88357445
07/17/2024 174,939,444.58243950
07/16/2024 209,358,355.22065865
07/15/2024 178,244,488.47208067
07/14/2024 226,723,640.26767676
07/13/2024 208,158,683.85887432
07/12/2024 189,892,136.55296831
07/11/2024 189,022,921.06392503
07/10/2024 211,968,606.43630165
07/09/2024 218,061,017.04333777
07/08/2024 206,549,484.46484766
07/07/2024 177,018,121.94491422
07/06/2024 185,077,487.09829137
07/05/2024 216,922,640.75431690
07/04/2024 232,635,442.81495809
07/03/2024 245,557,943.78002581
07/02/2024 184,083,211.49109644
07/01/2024 252,689,178.07688849
06/30/2024 180,992,125.50036169
06/29/2024 188,944,956.80906545
06/28/2024 178,890,928.32704579
06/27/2024 207,991,056.42975796
06/26/2024 286,350,290.16595264
06/25/2024 229,065,684.54941979
06/24/2024 199,957,908.19788071
06/23/2024 161,191,380.51715217
06/22/2024 199,424,810.77202909
06/21/2024 141,519,127.78204409
06/20/2024 225,094,797.81389794
06/19/2024 167,230,210.70644269
06/18/2024 250,982,566.27098803
06/17/2024 214,326,291.26334825
06/16/2024 226,060,825.99503092
06/15/2024 210,932,029.02580413
06/14/2024 237,293,110.16215136
06/13/2024 258,736,872.13039714
06/12/2024 291,480,856.12773457
06/11/2024 224,554,987.86777377
06/10/2024 236,340,873.71720551
06/09/2024 187,306,406.02301132
06/08/2024 261,403,633.18252588
06/07/2024 235,953,587.74816252
06/06/2024 297,263,480.41026823
06/05/2024 280,052,984.96121873
06/04/2024 265,120,262.85357642
06/03/2024 257,656,959.92633206
06/02/2024 297,549,806.11992513
06/01/2024 331,583,587.63109681
05/31/2024 260,205,533.38187081
05/30/2024 332,731,397.05198710
05/29/2024 320,326,228.50646701
05/28/2024 293,443,377.23627774
05/27/2024 329,246,356.11914622
05/26/2024 313,626,821.07143760
05/25/2024 294,570,024.32766058
05/24/2024 247,699,714.78484577
05/23/2024 341,989,590.97507221
05/22/2024 279,520,444.66269921
05/21/2024 288,428,768.32697462
05/20/2024 252,938,943.90459489
05/19/2024 292,323,795.45279463
05/18/2024 338,487,741.37479079
05/17/2024 300,263,881.06814181
05/16/2024 299,991,998.72224383
05/15/2024 309,204,232.20283795
05/14/2024 292,452,325.61987004
05/13/2024 326,442,761.04808102
05/12/2024 275,160,798.07178380
05/11/2024 323,536,575.35128877
05/10/2024 314,237,407.30328225
05/09/2024 321,235,174.66564617
05/08/2024 298,059,138.80395287
05/07/2024 315,996,328.74448894
05/06/2024 294,253,040.32942985
05/05/2024 268,434,657.48969759
05/04/2024 268,519,234.62793425
05/03/2024 317,723,115.73509292
05/02/2024 367,661,127.43239564
05/01/2024 275,201,424.54203339
04/30/2024 316,172,620.19467973
04/29/2024 204,563,860.55788391
04/28/2024 301,606,687.01577230
04/27/2024 233,803,477.22236426
04/26/2024 288,561,791.69260302
04/25/2024 330,639,371.95548222
04/24/2024 311,619,145.71075584
04/23/2024 227,591,967.80849219
04/22/2024 248,217,000.68646113
04/21/2024 229,803,200.18393011
04/20/2024 223,484,932.87548959
04/19/2024 186,058,939.09360472
04/18/2024 139,185,708.94525679
04/17/2024 188,715,689.25388965
04/16/2024 188,165,845.11442642
04/15/2024 179,588,036.48521525
04/14/2024 183,092,691.06190101
04/13/2024 194,095,318.17228977
04/12/2024 191,877,645.49910384
04/11/2024 265,122,571.55582513
04/10/2024 255,820,478.74819248
04/09/2024 176,245,496.69680454
04/08/2024 183,385,496.03981556
04/07/2024 201,850,818.51041977
04/06/2024 234,979,345.94745143
04/05/2024 211,450,130.35597463
04/04/2024 231,517,159.45781967
04/03/2024 207,160,801.99098975
04/02/2024 154,519,344.19544602
04/01/2024 230,525,878.47521955
03/31/2024 201,502,344.97734424
03/30/2024 162,425,227.45650278
03/29/2024 159,065,961.75802546
03/28/2024 212,129,223.96874155

What is DigiByte difficulty?

DigiByte mining difficulty determines how difficult it will be to mine the next block and this is why it is referred to as the difficulty of DigiByte mining.

DigiByte difficulty is a measure of how many hashes (statistically) must be generated to find a valid solution to solve the next DigiByte block and earn the mining reward.

As you can see in the DigiByte difficulty chart above, the DigiByte Difficulty makes adjustments often.

Furthermore, the mining difficulty also keeps the block generation in line with the set block time, or the amount of time that should statistically pass between each block.

As more hashing power is added to the DigiByte mining network, the difficulty must increase to ensure blocks are not being generated too quickly.

In order for the blocks to be generated consistently, the difficulty must be increased or decreased, this is called a difficulty re-target.

On a difficulty re-target block (every block or every number of blocks), the difficulty is increased if the previous blocks where generated faster than the specified block time and decreased if the previous blocks where generated slower than the specified block time.

All that said, given a constant hashrate, when the DGB mining difficulty increases you earn less mining rewards due to the overall increase in the total DigiByte network hashrate.

Given, the frequent changes in DigiByte difficulty adjustments up and down, use our DigiByte mining calculator to calculate DigiByte mining profits.

DigiByte DigiByte Price

$0.00 (1.32%)

24 hour change
DigiByte Price Chart